Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sometimes you get lucky

I've been a fan of the now defunct games company Hudson for years. However only recently I've been going on somewhat regular scans of Yahoo Japan for miscellaneous Hudson branded memorabilia. I've scored some great items in the past. Some one of a kind items you rarely ever see pop up.

One item I was quite pleased with was merely a towel. However simply the Hudson logo alone is enough to elevate it to must have status for a nutty collector like myself.

Another simple yet attractive item was a Hudson Bee logo fan. Now there are a fair amount of game themed fans about, but this was the first to actually draw me in.
Surprisingly, it was not until my Hudson collectibles hunting phase until I scored my first Bomberman figure. I went searching around Yahoo Japan trying to find something a little more unique than the usual gashapon, key-chain or model kit figures you normally see everywhere. Finally something popped up that caught my eye. I took a chance on the item not knowing the actual size. There was no indication in the auction title or description. By looking at the picture, it appeared to be maybe 3 to 4 inches tall. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was much larger.

Bomberman is one of the more well known and successful Hudson franchises. So it's no surprise that there's quite a bit of Bomberman branded items and memorabilia. From pachislot machines to candy, you can find the little guy on a wide variety of things.

One item item that I found very surprising was a Bomberman themed gym bag. First time for me to see one and have not seen one since. I would say that it's safe to say that such an item is quite rare or hard to find.

In terms of items a bit more common, old vinyl record soundtracks and some Hudson VHS tapes.

All of the items list so far have been things I have come across and acquired in the past. A few weeks ago I went on my usual scan of Hudson gear and came across a couple interesting auctions. Two of them had some interesting bundles of Hudson and or Bomberman items. From the auctions pictures and description it looked like one or two nice items, but mostly common looking things like notebooks, a plush, mousepad, etc. The opening bid seemed reasonable and it did not look like anyone else was bidding, so I went ahead a bit. When the items arrived, I was pretty pleasantly surprised to find what was actually in some of those bundles.

Upon closer inspection, one item that looked like just another controller multi-tap or A/V selector was actually a pair of Bomberman themed binoculars! Flip a clip to open the collapsible unit with a dial in the middle to adjust focus.

Another big score in the grab bag was a rare Hudson coin / token from the 8-bit famicom era. Original Hudson Bee logo fist to the air on one side and the markings "Famicom World" on the other. I do collect game and arcade tokens from Japan, so this was a very nice surprise.

The rarities, didn't stop... yet another big score came in the form of a Hudson belt bag. Still in fairly good condition after all these years.

In terms of "cutesy" stuff, a small child's plastic Bomberman mask was in the mix too. Tiny little vertical slits for eye holes. Can't be very comfortable!

A bulk of the other items were fairly standard stuff you find with a Hudson or Bomberman logo. Notebooks, CDs, pencil case sets, pencil boards, plushies, mousepad and games.

A wee bit more unique, a very large official Bomberman themed coin bank. Appears to be made out of hard vinyl or plastic. Really neat display piece.

How about a Bomberman (B-Daman) themed board game? Complete with little figures as play pieces.

I saved the best for last and the main point of this post. While all the other surprises were quite nice, this one I discovered was by far the most shocking and most pleasing. Once again the auction title, description and pictures made no mention of this. What appeared to just be another somewhat common Bomberman notebook stored a very special surprise inside...  a signature of the infamous Mr. Hudson a.k.a Mr. Adventure Island himself Takahashi Meijin!! Signed and dated in the same month and year as the release of CD Denjin (Air Zonk) for the PC-Engine for you trivia junkies.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Blog post numero uno: portable Super Famicoms

So after many years, I've decided to start a blog. Hopefully to chronicle the little import gaming projects that I go off and work on every now and then. However for now, the latest pickups...


I'm a really big fan of the 16-bit Super Famicom. The bright, colorful 2D graphics and large library of platformers and side scrolling beat'em ups really wins me over. One could also say that this was also Nintendo's last truly successful game console (minus the Wii).

However, for many years the Super Famicom had no portable counterpart such as the PC-Engine GT or the SEGA Nomad (Megadrive). Then a few years ago, a number of third party portable SFC units began to appear. First the Yobo branded clamshell unit, then the Supaboy and the Pokefami DX. Starved for such a device, I immediately picked up the Yobo followed by the Supaboy. I hesitated on the Pokefami DX because at the time the only available unit had a horrendous light blue on blue color scheme. Knowing the third party portable market, I decided to hold off until a more pleasing color scheme appeared.

Love the bright colorful boxes

A few months later, another portable SFC unit appeared... the RetroDuoPortable. Amazed by it's stylish looks I picked one up quickly. After the RDP, the portable SFC unit market was fairly quiet for a few years. Then suddenly a few weeks ago, I spotted a picture on Facebook of a strange new portable SFC called the Super FC Mobile. This unit caught me totally off guard. Unlike the others, this one had absolutely no advertising or the usual internet hub-bub.

Mysterious image I found on Facebook

Curious about the unit, I immediately tried to find out how to purchase one. It was a bit more difficult to track down because only few retailers seemed to offer them for sale. On top of that, the item could not be bought directly and shipped to someone in the United States. Due to that, I went ahead and contacted my trusty guy in Japan. No problem, he quickly placed his order and there was nothing left for me to do other than wait.

They're here!

While I was waiting, I happened to run across a PokeFami DX on the Yahoo Japan Auctions in a much nicer all black color scheme. Well I had to have that, so I BIN'ed it immediately. My portable SFC unit empire was now complete.

The gang all together

A few weeks ago, I received several very large packages from Japan. To this day I'm still working on "processing" the contents of those packages. However, included in those packages were my two new portable SFC units. I have yet to give them a good play through test, but they arrived safe and sound. I may do a thorough review in this blog in the future, but who knows.

For now, below are some websites that compare the various units:

Comparison review #1

Comparison review #2

Some pictures of the Super FC Mobile: